Last Light in the Dark Backstory - Lucas

Lucas Reeves, age 32, grew up on a struggling agricultural colony on the outer rim. The youngest of three children, he was always fascinated by technology and dreamed of escaping the harsh life of a farmer.
Last Light in the Dark Backstory - Lucas
Lucas is a soldier in the Imperial Army

Lucas Reeves, age 32, grew up on a struggling agricultural colony on the outer rim. The youngest of three children, he was always fascinated by technology and dreamed of escaping the harsh life of a farmer. Despite limited resources, Lucas showed a natural aptitude for mechanics and computer systems, often repurposing discarded equipment to create makeshift devices.

At 18, Lucas left the colony, stowing away on a cargo ship bound for the core worlds. He spent several years working odd jobs in spaceports and repair shops, honing his skills and building a reputation as a talented technician.

His big break came when he was hired by a private security firm as a systems specialist. Lucas quickly proved his worth, not just with his technical expertise, but also with his quick thinking in crisis situations. He received combat training and participated in several high-risk operations, earning commendations for his coolness under pressure.

However, a botched mission two years ago left Lucas disillusioned with the private security sector. He witnessed firsthand the corrupt practices of some corporations and decided to use his skills for a greater purpose. He joined a government-sponsored exploration team, seeing it as an opportunity to push the boundaries of human knowledge while escaping his troubled past.

Lucas carries with him a deep-seated fear of failure, stemming from his humble beginnings and the high expectations he places on himself. He masks this insecurity with a facade of confidence and dark humor. Despite his outward bravado, he's fiercely loyal to his teammates and will go to great lengths to protect them.

His experiences have left him with a pragmatic worldview and a knack for improvisation. Lucas is often the one to suggest unconventional solutions to problems, drawing on his diverse background and technical know-how. While he may not be the strongest or the fastest, his quick wit and adaptability make him an invaluable member of any team facing unknown challenges.

Check out the first chapter here:

Last Light in the Dark - Episode 1
“Why do we always get the—” “Don’t even think about finishing that statement,” Rylee warned. Marcus couldn’t see her face behind the mask of her vac suit, but he could imagine the expression of stern disapproval he’d seen a thousand times before.

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