Why become a member?
If you are a member, then you will receive occasional emails from me and have access to all free stories.
You will also remove all ads from the site (except on the Dark Citadel Online game player) so if you don't like those annoying ads, then just become a premium member!
What is the difference between normal and paid members?
A normal member has access to all free content, and a paid member has access to everything.
The different levels just determine how much you would like to support me, but generally speaking you get the same stuff in all levels of paid membership.
Is this secure?
Stripe handles all payments and information, so you never actually send any information to me and I don't store anything.
Do you spam?
No, I only send occasional emails and try to keep it from being too ridiculous or spammy. Once or twice a week at most, and always with something new to look at.